The Lost Order

"How do you think Special Orders 191 fell into Union Hands?"

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gen. lee era un agente del nord?

[Was General Lee an Agent of the North?]

Date: 30 Jan 2003
Time: 11:11:33
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gen lee era un agente del nord stonewall e longsteet lo sospettavano. stonewall salvò un paio di battaglie che lee "voleva" perdere (con onore). Lee vinceva le battaglie ma perdeva ogni volta molti insostituibili soldati.chiamò stonewall accanto a se per neutralizzarlo. al momento della resa i generali del nord lo salutarono (non militarmente ma...) togliendosi il cappello. lee era un genio militare riuscì a far perdere il proprio esercito senza perdere il proprio "onore militare", cioè senza commettere errori evidenti di strategia o di tattica.

Google Translation:

General Lee was an agent of the North and Stonewall and Longstreet suspected him. Stonewall saved a couple of battles that Lee "wanted" to lose (with honor). Lee won the battles but lost many irreplaceable soldiers. stonewall next to him to neutralize him. at the time of the surrender of the northern generals saluted him (not militarily, but ...), taking off his hat. Lee was a military genius managed to lose his army without losing their "military honor", ie without making obvious mistakes in strategy or tactics.

Last changed: July 30, 2005